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When you are looking for fast weight loss diets, it is important that you have first set realistic goals for yourself. Otherwise, you are setting yourself up for failure. Goal setting is among the top reasons many individuals fail on their diets. To set your goals for weight loss you should begin with short term goals.
For example, setting a goal to lose 5 pounds in one month is more realistic than setting a goal of losing 30 pounds in one week. Although you might be tempted to set your goals a bit high, it is best that you do not.
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Keep in mind, you can increase your goal weight loss as you get closer to it. For example, let’s say you are only two weeks into your diet and you have already lost 4 pounds. It’s time you up your goal to maybe 8 pounds within the original month time frame.
Here are some more tips to help you in your quest to lose the weight. It is important that you are motivated, determined and dedicated to sticking with a diet. If you are not completely committed to the lifestyle changes you are going to be making, you will be more likely to cheat on your diet and eventually go off of the diet altogether.
1. Eat more often than you normally would. You should be eating between 5 and 6 small meals a day. Your portion sizes need to change, otherwise you will only be increasing the amount of food you consume and increasing the storage of fat.
2. Do not skip any meals. This will cause your body to begin storing the foods you consume after the skipped meal. Basically, your body becomes confused and doesn’t know when the next meal will be coming, therefore it will store foods to ensure it can survive if you miss another meal.
3. Be sure to eat breakfast. More than likely you already know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But do you know why? Simply because it is the first meal of the day and it pretty much sets the tone for the entire day. It will wake up your metabolism and get it into gear.
4. When you are preparing your meals, you should limit the amount of salt you add to it. Instead of adding the salt early in the meal, hold off and add less closer to the end of the meal. However, if you can completely cut the salt out altogether you should. Try substituting other spices such as garlic powder and onion powder instead of salt.
5. At meal time, you should thoroughly chew your food. Slow down on the amount of time it takes you to eat. The longer you chew the food the faster you will feel full.
6. Set the plates at the stove and leave everything on the stove. Many people will bring all of the food to the table and this can cause a problem. If you actually have to get up and walk to the stove to add more food to your plate, you are likely to not get that second helping.
7. Incorporate healthier foods into your meal planning. Use fresh or even frozen veggies when you are cooking instead of canned ones. This has much less sodium.
8. Eat fish, chicken (boiled first and skinless,) low fat dairy, whole grains and low fat meats.
9. You do not have to completely say goodbye to the junk food. However, you should limit your snacks of this nature to once a week. This is, only if you have not cheated throughout the week. Completely eliminating some foods from a diet can cause a person to become frustrated and discouraged with the diet and eventually call the diet off.
Here is a sample diet to help you with planning your meals a little healthier. this should also help you in determining the appropriate portions you should be consuming at each meal and snack.
1 cup of coffee or tea1 bagel (plain)2 tablespoons of low fat creamy peanut butter1 tablespoon of cream, low fat milk or half and half (for the coffee or teaMorning Snack
1 medium sized apple with the skin onLunch
3 ounces of white meat skinless chicken breast12 ounce of soda (must be diet and it can have caffeine)1 garden salad (large) with or without onions and tomatoes1/4 cup of plain croutons (optional)4 tablespoons of low fat salad dressing
Afternoon Snack
3 ounces white meat skinless chicken breast1 cup pasta1 cup fresh or frozen corn1 (small) salad with or without onions, green peppers and tomatoes2 tablespoons of low fat/fat free salad dressingFast weight loss diets can work, however it is important that you are still eating and obtaining the proper nutrition on a daily basis. You will also need to begin a workout or exercise routine to ensure you are burning the calories you consume off.
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Tags: fast weight loss diets·sample diet for weight loss1 response so far ↓1Clinton Walker III // Aug 3, 2009 at 3:33 amI believe most people are overweight because they eat too few calories per day. Many doctors will tell patience to eat less without knowing how much they are currently consuming.
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