Saturday, 23 April 2011

The Quickest Weight Loss Diets – Are They Healthy?

The Quickest Weight Loss Diets - Are They Healthy? | Fat Loss Diet Blog #wpcf fieldset { padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #666666; width: 400px; margin: auto }#wpcf legend { font-weight: bold: border: 1px solid #666666; padding: 3px }#wpcf label { display: block; float: left; text-align: right; width: 140px; padding-right: 10px; font-size: 100% }#wpcf p { margin: 0 0 7px 0 }#wpcf .field { font-size: 100%; width: 240px; padding: 0; margin: 0 }#wpcf p.button { text-align: right; padding: 0 5px 0 0; }#wpcf textarea { font-size: 100%; width: 240px; height: 50px }#wpcf .error { background-color: #FFFF00 }#wpcf .challenge { font-size: 100%; display: inline-block; display: -moz-inline-stack; text-align: left; width: 240px }#wpcf p.alert { color:#FF0000; font-weight: 700; text-align: center; padding: 5px 0 10px 0 } front pageaboutcontactsitemapRSSFat Loss Diet Blog header image 2

← Reminders For Having Effective Weight LossHow to Achieve Maximum Fat Loss – 9 Easy to Follow Tips →The Quickest Weight Loss Diets – Are They Healthy? · No Comments · Weight Loss Diets

Losing weight is the easy part of dieting. The hard part is keeping it off. Finding the quickest weight loss diets are not always the most effective diets to keep the weight off.

For some reason or another many people are looking for a diet that is going to not only work fast but is going to also be lasting. After all, who really wants to lose weight and then put it right back on again?

Many people lose track of one very important part of a healthy diet when they are trying to lose weight. This is drinking water. It is important for your overall health to maintain proper hydration.

Basically, what happens is, people begin a diet and exercise routine and they forget to replenish their water supply. So, in one way the person is losing the weight, however the weight they are losing is not actually weight from fat. This can be dangerous for the person’s overall health.

Losing weight too quickly can also be dangerous for your overall health. It is important that you continue to concern yourself with your weight loss but not forget about your overall health. Eating healthier, exercising regularly and maintaining hydration is important in losing weight in a safe manor.

The fastest way to lose weight healthy is to do so by putting yourself on a strict diet and exercise regimen. To do this you will need to pay very close attention to what you are eating, counting calories and exercising regularly.

Eliminate sugars, high fat foods, fried foods and processed foods from your diet immediately. You will need to replace these foods with high fiber healthy diet. Incorporate fresh fruits, veggies, lean meats and fish into your daily diet.You will need to cut your portions down drastically. You will need to eat more frequently and only eat when you are hungry.Avoid eating shortly before you go to bed and make sure you are not skipping any meals.Drink plenty of water. It is suggested that a person drink between 8-12 8 ounce glasses of water a day. More if you are exercising. It is important that you are replenishing your water supply to avoid dehydration.

All of the popular quick weight loss diets that are claiming to help people lose weight fast are actually helping people lose weight are only helping them to lose water weight instead of fat weight. There is a difference and it is important that you have a clear understanding between the two.

If you are on a ‘get skinny quick’ diet, you are most likely only going to lose the water weight, and only for a short time. Eventually, the water weight will come back. The quickest weight loss diets are unhealthy and can put your health at risk. Be careful when you are picking a weight loss program and make sure it is going to benefit your health, not risk it.

Discover the weight loss secrets that no one else will tell you about. Click here for more information.

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How to Achieve Maximum Fat Loss – 9 Easy to Follow Tips

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← The Quickest Weight Loss Diets – Are They Healthy?Calorie Shifting – The Best Way to Lose Weight! →How to Achieve Maximum Fat Loss – 9 Easy to Follow Tips · No Comments · Weight Loss Plans

Many of the popular weight loss programs will lead you to believe that you need their help to get maximum fat loss results. However, you can absolutely maximize your fat loss without these companies profiting from you. Here are some tips that you can use to lose the fat you don’t want without losing your hard earned cash.

Think of the chores you normally do around the house. Such as cutting the grass, washing the floors and even putting the trash out. These are all things that you do that you can burn calories doing. Now you are likely thinking, how can I burn more calories doing what I already do? Simple, instead of reluctantly doing these things add a little bounce to your step.

Discover how you can cut your exercise time in half and burn fat 300% faster.

1. When you are bringing the trash to the street, you can lift your legs a little higher.

2. When you are walking upstairs to put something away make more than one trip. Instead of filling your arms make multiple trips.

3. When the dog needs to go outside, bring him for a walk. Instead of just opening the back door. Make the walk slightly vigorous. Go for at least half an hour every time.

4. Take a bike ride or go roller blading. This can be great exercise and even fun, with the right company.

5. Watch what you eat. By all means, this does not mean you need to count calories. Just be aware of the food you are eating. If you have had something you know you should not have had, work out a little more to burn the extra calories.

6. Drink water instead of your usual beverages. This will give your metabolic rate a kick start, allowing your body to
burn calories with less work.

7. Don’t over eat, eat until you no longer feel hungry. AVOID eating out of boredom and even habit.

8. Smaller portions is important. You should eat more frequently, just much smaller portions.

9. Don’t skip a meal. This will likely cause you to put weight on. Your body will go into ‘survival mode’, meaning it will store the food to survive because it does not know when it will be fueled again.

In a nut shell, the best way to achieve maximum fat loss you need to be aware of what you are eating and doing. If you can intentionally increase your daily exercise and slowly cut back on the food you are eating you will get the most out of any diet and exercise program.

You can force your body to burn 142% more calories the first hour after your workout. Click here and discover how.

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How to Lose Weight Now and Keep it Off in the Future

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A few months have passed and more than likely you are trying very hard to keep your New Year’s resolution this year.  Are you trying to lose those wonderfully packed on winter pounds? The question so many people want an answer to is ‘’.

You might want to hear that there is a program that will get you looking skinny and sexy for the rest of your life, however there is no such program. When and if you find one, let the rest of us know! Until then, we have to work hard and continue to work to keep the weight off.

Discover how you can cut your exercise time in half and burn fat 300% faster.

Losing weight is not actually the difficult part of weight loss. The hard part is actually keeping it off for the long haul. To lose the weight fast you should follow these few tips.

1. Increase the amount of water you drink. You should drink at least eight 8 ounce glasses of water every day. This will be beneficial for several reasons. First, you will maintain the proper hydration in your body. Second, you will be flushing some of the toxins out of your system that can assist in your body holding onto unnecessary fat. Third, you will be giving your metabolism a kick in the pants.

2. Pay attention to what you eat. Cut back on the sodium, the fats, sugars and carbohydrates. This does not mean you have to avoid everything that has flavor, all it means is you need to be aware of what you are eating as well as the amount you eat.

3. Burn more calories a day than you consume. You want your body to be burning the stored fat. In order to do this, you need to exercise more often with only eating a small amount of food. You should only eat as much as you have to. Basically, you are not going to be eating until you are full, only until you are not hungry anymore. It is best to cut your portions sizes down and eat more often.

It is going to take a lot more than just knowing how to lose weight now, its going to take you actually putting the knowledge to good use. Take advantage of the internet and find some healthy recipes to begin your new lifestyle.

It might seem a bit too much in the beginning, but in no time at all you will be glad you pushed yourself. You will soon begin seeing the results when you look in the mirror and when your pants start to fall off of you. This, is definitely going to be well worth all of your hard work, time and dedication.

You can force your body to burn 142% more calories the first hour after your workout. Click here and discover how.

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Friday, 22 April 2011

Fast Weight Loss Diets – 9 Simple Tips and a Sample Diet You Can Follow

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← How to Lose Weight Now and Keep it Off in the FutureTips for Losing Weight For the Real Person →Fast Weight Loss Diets – 9 Simple Tips and a Sample Diet You Can Follow · 1 Comment · Weight Loss Diets

When you are looking for fast weight loss diets, it is important that you have first set realistic goals for yourself. Otherwise, you are setting yourself up for failure. Goal setting is among the top reasons many individuals fail on their diets. To set your goals for weight loss you should begin with short term goals.

For example, setting a goal to lose 5 pounds in one month is more realistic than setting a goal of losing 30 pounds in one week. Although you might be tempted to set your goals a bit high, it is best that you do not.

Discover how you can cut your exercise time in half and burn fat 300% faster.

Keep in mind, you can increase your goal weight loss as you get closer to it. For example, let’s say you are only two weeks into your diet and you have already lost 4 pounds. It’s time you up your goal to maybe 8 pounds within the original month time frame.

Here are some more tips to help you in your quest to lose the weight. It is important that you are motivated, determined and dedicated to sticking with a diet. If you are not completely committed to the lifestyle changes you are going to be making, you will be more likely to cheat on your diet and eventually go off of the diet altogether.

1. Eat more often than you normally would. You should be eating between 5 and 6 small meals a day. Your portion sizes need to change, otherwise you will only be increasing the amount of food you consume and increasing the storage of fat.

2. Do not skip any meals. This will cause your body to begin storing the foods you consume after the skipped meal. Basically, your body becomes confused and doesn’t know when the next meal will be coming, therefore it will store foods to ensure it can survive if you miss another meal.

3. Be sure to eat breakfast. More than likely you already know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But do you know why? Simply because it is the first meal of the day and it pretty much sets the tone for the entire day. It will wake up your metabolism and get it into gear.

4. When you are preparing your meals, you should limit the amount of salt you add to it. Instead of adding the salt early in the meal, hold off and add less closer to the end of the meal. However, if you can completely cut the salt out altogether you should. Try substituting other spices such as garlic powder and onion powder instead of salt.

5. At meal time, you should thoroughly chew your food. Slow down on the amount of time it takes you to eat. The longer you chew the food the faster you will feel full.

6. Set the plates at the stove and leave everything on the stove. Many people will bring all of the food to the table and this can cause a problem. If you actually have to get up and walk to the stove to add more food to your plate, you are likely to not get that second helping.

7. Incorporate healthier foods into your meal planning. Use fresh or even frozen veggies when you are cooking instead of canned ones. This has much less sodium.

8. Eat fish, chicken (boiled first and skinless,) low fat dairy, whole grains and low fat meats.

9. You do not have to completely say goodbye to the junk food. However, you should limit your snacks of this nature to once a week. This is, only if you have not cheated throughout the week. Completely eliminating some foods from a diet can cause a person to become frustrated and discouraged with the diet and eventually call the diet off.

Here is a sample diet to help you with planning your meals a little healthier. this should also help you in determining the appropriate portions you should be consuming at each meal and snack.


1 cup of coffee or tea1 bagel (plain)2 tablespoons of low fat creamy peanut butter1 tablespoon of cream, low fat milk or half and half  (for the coffee or tea

Morning Snack

1 medium sized apple with the skin on


3 ounces of white meat skinless chicken breast12 ounce of soda (must be diet and it can have caffeine)1 garden salad (large) with or without onions and tomatoes1/4 cup of plain croutons (optional)4 tablespoons of low fat salad dressing

Afternoon Snack

1 medium apple with skin or 1 cup of melon (your choice)


3 ounces white meat skinless chicken breast1 cup pasta1 cup fresh or frozen corn1 (small) salad with or without onions, green peppers and tomatoes2 tablespoons of low fat/fat free salad dressing

Fast weight loss diets can work, however it is important that you are still eating and obtaining the proper nutrition on a daily basis. You will also need to begin a workout or exercise routine to ensure you are burning the calories you consume off.

You can force your body to burn 142% more calories the first hour after your workout. Click here and discover how.

Tags: fast weight loss diets·sample diet for weight loss1 response so far ↓1Clinton Walker III // Aug 3, 2009 at 3:33 am

I believe most people are overweight because they eat too few calories per day. Many doctors will tell patience to eat less without knowing how much they are currently consuming.

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Tips for Losing Weight For the Real Person

· 1 Comment · Weight Loss Tips

As you begin looking online for the perfect weight loss tips, tricks and diets you will soon notice everyone has something different to say. Losing weight can be as easy or as difficult as you want it to be.

Some people have a very difficult time losing weight and others seem to be able to shed the weight with very little work. Whatever your personal reason for wanting to lose weight is, I applaud you for taking the steps to better yourself. Here are some tips for losing weight loss.

Discover how you can cut your exercise time in half and burn fat 300% faster.

1. The most important thing you need to keep in mind when you determine your goals for weight loss that you have to be realistic. Set goals that you can achieve and once you reach them you can always raise the bar. This is a great way for you to be able to keep your motivation and drive up while you are on your way to a thinner and sexier you.

2. Make an appointment with your doctor. Speak with him or her about your long term weight loss goals and exercises that are safe for you to do. Your doctor will take into consideration any medical conditions you have and medications you might be taking to determine the safest method for you to lose the weight.

3. Stick with the exercise routine you and your doctor have agreed upon. Do not over do your exercising because you will be more likely to become overwhelmed and frustrated. This can lead to the demise of your motivation for weight loss. It’s best to not to go into a weight loss program if you are going to sabotage the plan before you begin!

4. Write down everything you eat for at least a week before you begin a new diet. This will help you to see what your eating habits are. Once you see where you are going wrong you can change what you are doing. However, you should continue to write down everything you eat once you have started the diet as well.

5. Do not totally forget about the sweets you enjoy. If you have a hankering for a particular sweet, go ahead and have it. Once in a while. If you allow yourself to have a sweet once a week you will find that it is not as difficult to stick with the diet as it is if you say good bye completely to junk food.

Just make sure you workout a little longer on the day you have the sweet and cut the portion you would normally have in half. Eat it slowly and thoroughly chew it. You will find this to be a great way to satisfy your craving.

Following these tips for losing weight should help you stick to you guns and stay true to your diet. Weight loss is a process that requires dedication and commitment. Once you know this is what you want, you can devote yourself to beciominghappier and healthier.

You can force your body to burn 142% more calories the first hour after your workout. Click here and discover how.

Tags: lose weight tips·tips for losing weight·Weight Loss Tips1 response so far ↓1How to Treat Acid Reflux - 4 Simple and Effective Tips | Acid Reflux Cure // May 8, 2009 at 12:00 am

[...] assists in helping you feel better overall, but you are also able to lose weight. Obesity is a major contributor to the progression of GERD. Other habits you should avoid are [...]

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The Fastest Proven Weight Loss – Is it Safe?

The Fastest Proven Weight Loss - Is it Safe? | Fat Loss Diet Blog #wpcf fieldset { padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #666666; width: 400px; margin: auto }#wpcf legend { font-weight: bold: border: 1px solid #666666; padding: 3px }#wpcf label { display: block; float: left; text-align: right; width: 140px; padding-right: 10px; font-size: 100% }#wpcf p { margin: 0 0 7px 0 }#wpcf .field { font-size: 100%; width: 240px; padding: 0; margin: 0 }#wpcf p.button { text-align: right; padding: 0 5px 0 0; }#wpcf textarea { font-size: 100%; width: 240px; height: 50px }#wpcf .error { background-color: #FFFF00 }#wpcf .challenge { font-size: 100%; display: inline-block; display: -moz-inline-stack; text-align: left; width: 240px }#wpcf p.alert { color:#FF0000; font-weight: 700; text-align: center; padding: 5px 0 10px 0 } front pageaboutcontactsitemapRSSFat Loss Diet Blog header image 2

← Tips for Losing Weight For the Real PersonTop Ways to Stop Hunger on Your Weight Loss Diet →The Fastest Proven Weight Loss – Is it Safe? · 1 Comment · Weight Loss Plans

In this day and age everyone wants every thing right now. Now one has the time to slow down and enjoy the finer things in life. In our fast paced world, weight loss programs are not safe from the high demand for fast weight loss.

Most individuals have a very busy schedule and do not have enough available time to devote to a regular diet and exercise program, therefore there is an elevated demand the fastest proven weight loss programs.

Discover how you can cut your exercise time in half and burn fat 300% faster.

It has been proven through many studies that a regular exercise routine can improve the overall mental health of a person. Many people involved in these studies reported they felt more at ease with themselves, happier and less stressed than they were prior to the study.

The fastest way for you or anyone to lose weight is to incorporate a workout routine that is going to burn a large amount of calories in a short period of time. Generally, these types of workouts are high in intensity and are not recommended for the beginner.

Difficult workout routines need to be approved by the medical doctor. It is important that you are overall healthy enough to be able to workout without causing more harm than good to yourself.

High intense workouts will burn the calories you have consumed throughout the day and then begin burning the fat that has made its home on your body. These workouts do not generally target one area of the body, instead they work on multiple areas at the same time for a higher calorie burning outcome.

Losing weight fast require a different type of motivation and workout. It is important that you are aware of how difficult it can be to lose weight fast. Not only does this type of weight loss take its toll on the body but can also negatively effect the mental health of the individual. You have to be strong, not physically but emotionally in order to be successful at fast weight loss.

The fastest proven weight loss system is one that incorporates a vigorous exercise workout and a healthy dietary regimen as well. Basically, you will need to be burning a substantial amount of calories on a daily basis to drop drastic amounts of weight in a short period of time.

This can be hazardous to your health and mentally straining. It is strongly suggested that a person begin with a light to moderate diet and exercise combination and gradually lose the weight.

You can force your body to burn 142% more calories the first hour after your workout. Click here and discover how.

Tags: fastest proven weight loss1 response so far ↓1Richard Paolucci // Nov 21, 2010 at 10:16 pm

I like your article. I agree that it is very difficult to lose weight fast. You definitely have to do intense physical activity and dieting to lose weight fast. Losing weight a a slower pace is much more recommended.

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Thursday, 21 April 2011

Top Ways to Stop Hunger on Your Weight Loss Diet

· 3 Comments · Weight Loss Diets

As you progress through your weight loss diet, there’s no doubt that hunger is going to be an issue at some point. For most people, hunger is actually what will cause them to end the diet prematurely as it’s something that they just don’t deal with well. In order to stick with your fat loss diet then, one of the top things you can do is figure out some quick tricks to help you deal with hunger so it does not become a problem.

Here are a few to get you started.

Discover how you can cut your exercise time in half and burn fat 300% faster.

Drink A Warm Cup Of Tea

Warm beverages will not only help to keep you well hydrated, but they tend to also stop hunger as well. They’ll fill your stomach up, keeping it from feeling ravenous for food. As an added benefit, if you’re choosing green or black tea, the caffeine can also help to keep hunger levels down, providing yet another nice benefit for you.

Eat More Protein

Out of all three types of nutrients – protein, carbs and fats, protein is the one that’s going to kill hunger the most. Choosing higher protein foods more often is one of the best ways to stop hunger while on a weight loss diet.

Make sure each and every one of your meals and snacks contains at least some protein.

Get Out For A Walk

The next way to kill hunger is going out for some exercise. Even if it’s just a walk around the block, this can take your mind off the hunger and you’ll also burn some calories at the same time. Don’t think exercise has to be intense to ‘count’.

Any exercise is better than no exercise so just get out and do it.

Chew Some Peppermint Gum

Finally, the last thing you can do to help stop hunger is chew some peppermint gum. Many studies have demonstrated that there’s something about peppermint that tends to soothe the appetite, so really consider this one.

If you find chewing gum makes you hungry, consider peppermints instead.

So, be sure you’re keeping these tips in mind next time your stomach’s rumbling and your next meal is at least an hour away yet. When you take care of hunger, weight loss becomes much easier.

See my website for more tips on nutrition for optimal weight loss results.

While you’re there, don’t forget to sign up to get your FREE report on Supercharging Your Metabolism.

You can force your body to burn 142% more calories the first hour after your workout. Click here and discover how.

Tags: stop hunger·weight loss diet3 responses so far ↓1Alex // Jul 10, 2009 at 11:28 am

drink a lot of water and get busy.

2Hari // Jul 23, 2009 at 10:25 am

Is it okay to drink coffee when we are on weight loss fitness programs?

3josh // Sep 2, 2010 at 10:11 am

There are so many things I found that worked for me and you actually named a couple, which suprised me. I found that its good to work in groups too. I had a friend diet with me, and it helped alot.

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5 Healthy Ways to Battle the Pangs of Hunger

· 9 Comments · Weight Loss Tips

If you’ve ever tried to go on a diet and exercise at the same time, you’d know how difficult it is to manage the two together – on the one hand you’re literally starving yourself and limiting your calories; and on the other, you’re working out so hard that you feel ravenous once you’re done.

It takes a great deal of control to ignore the pangs of hunger that your stomach keeps sending out, and more often than not, you end up gorging on food that’s not good for you. If you want to stay on the right track to weight loss, you need to learn how to battle your hunger, and to do this, you must:

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Eat small meals more often:

The best way to boost your metabolism is to eat a larger number of meals, with smaller portions. Instead of eating large breakfasts, lunches and dinners, eat something every few hours. Eat just to satiate your hunger and not to fill your stomach. This way, you avoid putting on weight.

Drink lots of water:

Water has no calories, so you can drink any amount and still stay slim. Besides this, water helps in replenishing the fluids that your body has lost as sweat when you work out. It keeps you healthy and hydrated and flushes out all the toxins from your body. Water also gives you a feeling of fullness and you can stave off hunger till it’s time for your next meal.

Go to bed early:

A decent amount of sleep is necessary for good health. If you deprive your body of sleep, you tend to put on weight. Besides, when you stay up late, you tend to get hungry and snack on food that is not good for you. Sleep rejuvenates you and gives you enough energy to face the next day. And when you sleep early, you don’t find it hard to wake up early for your work out the following day.

Stock up on fruits, vegetables and low-cal snacks:

You are going to get hungry from time to time, so make sure you have enough healthy food options on hand to tide you over on such occasions. Eat fruits, vegetables and other low calorie snacks that fill your stomach without making you fat.

Stay busy:

When you have something to occupy your mind, you don’t tend to forage around for something to eat. It’s only when you are at loose ends with nothing to do that you feel like snacking in order to pass the time. So keep yourself busy and you tend to forget that you’re hungry.

You can force your body to burn 142% more calories the first hour after your workout. Click here and discover how.

Tags: healthy diets·pangs of hunger9 responses so far ↓1Sadri // Jul 8, 2009 at 3:05 pm

I cant sleep when ? was hungry:)

2Doug Remington // Aug 14, 2009 at 10:23 am

I really like your site. I have had trouble losing the weight recently. It was all so easy at the beginning when the weight was rolling off. But things have slowed down a bit.

Your site has renewed my courage to struggle on down that happy road of merky weight loss.

the five healthy ways of losing weight are a great reminder.

Thanks for being you!

3Phil // Sep 10, 2009 at 6:32 am

Eat small meals more often is the key that most people ignore we should know, what to eat, how much to eat and How often to eat it.


4Alex // Sep 12, 2009 at 4:45 am

great post thanks

i would like to add eating more protein (lean sources)

5David // Oct 1, 2009 at 2:28 pm

Great tips! I’ve actually tried eating more meals in smaller portions and it really works in reducing my waistline! Apparently, letting ourselves go hungry is what causes us to overeat, so staying satiated by munching on something healthy every so often will prevent us from pigging-out during a meal.

6Seifer // Oct 9, 2009 at 4:33 pm

Not only does snacking on something healthy every 2 hours helps us avoid overeating, it also keeps our energy levels up and prevents our metabolism from slowing down. A slow metabolism means slower calorie-burn leading to surplus energy (body fat) at the end of the day.

7Monica // May 28, 2010 at 9:45 am

Excellent advise. Sleep is one the factors that people most often overlook, yet it has such a huge impact on your body’s ability to burn fat. Very important to get adequate rest, along with all the other factors. Thanks for the info.
Monica Tangry
Certified Personal Trainer

8Dr. David Orman // Jun 4, 2010 at 12:32 am

5-6 meals a day is a sure way to create diabetes. This myth gets repeated without any evaluation. It is false and can d o a great deal of harm.

9GoofyFitnessDad // Sep 11, 2010 at 10:36 am

You know, that is a really insightful post, and with fantastic, logical suggestions. Such great things to keep in mind, and definitely something I need to keep up with. I really enjoy your site, by the way!

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Fresh Fruits and Vegetables – The Right Way for Weight Loss

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← 5 Healthy Ways to Battle the Pangs of HungerFresh Fruits and Vegetables – The Right Way for Weight Loss · No Comments · Weight Loss Diets

There are many ways to lose weight, be it a dieting process or regular workouts supported with weight loss supplements. The right way for your weight loss depends on two main factors: your mind set and the balanced diet.

Making up one’s mind with positive energy on losing weight is essential to support the weight loss plans.

Some of the activities that lead to over weight are lack of balanced diet with needful nutrients, fewer activities with respect to eating habits, intake of more fatty and oily junk foods, no regular exercise and proper body health maintenance.

Discover how you can cut your exercise time in half and burn fat 300% faster.

As some of the weight loss supplements are more focused on selling their products, it is no reliable to rely on the artificial sources when we are gifted with natural support from fruits and vegetable with richness of energy.

Fruits and Vegetable to fight heaviness

Our body needs high protein diet to keep up health and fitness to cope with today’s world. Fresh colorful fruits and vegetables on daily basis help in reducing your weight without more struggles as it contains adequate anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber contents to boost your energy level and stamina.

Acai berry, strawberry, pomegranate, peach, bananas, citrus fruits, kiwi fruit, melons, apricot and grape fruit are the main fruits that are focused on weight loss.Mixed form of vegetables taken with meals acts as the best source to reduce weight rapidly. Broccoli and spinach (folate, vitamin B), cabbage (vitamin A and fiber), collard greens, cucumber, tomatoes and Pepper (vitamin C improves immune system), Eggplant (anti-oxidant content supporting the immune system), carrot (reduces risk of heart), mushroom and onions (anthoxanthins and allicin controls blood pressure)

Over cooking reduces the nutrients, preferably steam your vegetables and use little flavor of spices to add taste for a better nutritive stuff. A cup of fresh vegetable and fruit salads in the morning-breakfast and evening-tea time can helps you to get the adequate energy and keeps up well balanced nutrients.

Strenuous effort to lose weight can now be handled effectively by packing your meal with complete natural source of energy – fresh green vegetable in meal! Yoga for weight loss is an excellent choice to adhere with, as it not only strengthens body but stimulates the internal energy from within to keep you active through out the day.

You can force your body to burn 142% more calories the first hour after your workout. Click here and discover how.

Tags: fresh fruits·high protein diet·vegetables·weight loss plan0 responses so far ↓

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Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Foods That Burn Belly Fat

There is nothing that a person despises more than excess belly fat. That is why there is more effort to lose belly fat than any other self-improvement attempt. Nutrition has a major influence in helping you to lose belly fat.Why do you have excess tummy fatWhy do you have excess tummy fat in the first place? A large part of it is caused by your diet. You have probably been eating foods that have contributed to the fat deposits in your mid-section. You should take a moment to look at your diet and identify those foods that may be contributing to it. Use the above video and the following information as a guideline.Are you eating too much synthetic food?Your body does not handle artificial food very well. It has major problems with foods that come out of a packet. The body works best with food that is natural. As an example, your body prefers an apple as compared to apple juice or apple pie. That does not mean that you have to run along and adopt a whole food vegan diet.You just have to make sure that what ever you are eating is only 1 step away from the ground. In other words, the meals you are eating should be cooked from fresh vegetables and meat. It should not be cooked with meat and vegetables that have been processed.You need to avoid all forms of junk and processed food. These foods have no nutritional value and these are also extremely calorie dense. Your body gets an oversupply of calories but a sub-optimal supply of nutrients. The body does not know how to react to this. This situation never arises with natural food. When you eat a wholesome meal of vegetables and meat, you get enough nutrients by the time you are full.Your body needs to sense when you are fullWith most of the modern junk and processed food, the body is not able to correctly assess when you have reached satiety levels. The body can estimate satiety levels very accurately with natural food. Try overeating apples. It is going to be very difficult. Your body will quickly sense when you are full. This is probably going to happen after your second or third apple. Now try the same with apple pie. Your body cannot make a correct assessment. By the time it does reach satiety levels, you have very surely eaten too much apple pie.Calories in vs calories outLosing belly fat or fat in any part of the body comes down to calories in vs calories out. You can use some very clever strategies to naturally cut your food consumption. You probably know these strategies but never thought of applying it as the video above suggests.Paramjit and Suresh discuss about these clever strategies and other finer details about in the video above.

4 Food Combinations to Avoid to Lose Belly Fat

Posted on March 2nd, 2011 by admin 0Digg DiggWhen food is eaten in a ertain combination, it can either hurt or help your weight loss efforts. You have to understand how mixing certain type of food promote fat storage. We have compiled a list of food combination that you should avoid if you are serious about losing belly fat. If you look closely, you cannot find these food combination in nature. These food combination are a man-made phenomenon.Here are 4 type of food mixing that you must avoid if you are after a well toned midsection.1.      Sugar and fatFat and sugar must never be consumed in the same meal. Sugar will spike your insulin. The same also happens when you consume too much refined carbohydrates. Excess insulin in the blood stream will attempt to force the sugar as fat into your cells. This is because insulin is a very potent fat storage hormone.2.     Sugar and alcoholThis is also a potentially lethal fat storage combination. This is typically what you get when you drink alcoholic cocktails. You may already know that alcohol brings fat metabolism to a complete halt. As long as there is alcohol in your body, your body will not burn any carbohydrates or fat. It continues to do so until all the breakdown components of alcohol have been eliminated by the body. When you consume alcohol and sugar in the same meal, all the excess sugar will be stored in your fat cells as fat.3.     Alcohol and fatA combination of fat and alcohol is typically what most men have when they sit with their friends and munch on finger food. As mentioned above, even a single drink of alcohol can completely bring your fat metabolism to a grinding halt. Any fat that you consume with alcohol will get stored as fat in your fatty tissue. This again happens so long as there is alcohol in your body.4.     Alcohol, fat and sugarThis is by far the worse combination and should be avoided at all costs. This is the typical meal for most people on the weekends. It looks harmless but it does have far reaching effects when it comes to losing fat. Most people will not realize that the single glass of wine with their evening meal could potentially cause the bulk of the calories in the meal to be stored as fat. This is especially so if the alcohol was consumed before the meal and is already in the blood circulation by the time the meal is eaten.A large part of your success in trimming the fat around your belly will depend on your diet. While you may know what you need to eat, you should also know what you should avoid. In particular, you need to know what food combination you should avoid. Keep the above list in mind the next time you are having a meal and make sure that you do not have any of these lethal fat storage combination.#dd_ajax_float

How to Lose Belly Fat for Women

Most women have the perennial problem of trying to deal with the excess fat in their bellies. Women are sadly very inclined to gain weight in the belly area. It is not surprising that women spend most of their lives chasing that ideal body shape that they so badly yearn for.Lack of weight loss educationIt is unfortunate that most women would be unsuccessful at trying to lose belly fat. The simple reason for this is that most women do not have enough education about the fundamentals of how the body manages fat. Most women approach fat loss from a logical point of view. They feel that if they cut down their food, they will lose weight. If they cut down their food even more, they should lose even more weight. This may have been true when they were younger, especially before pregnancy. Most women in their college days could skip some meals and get the extra pounds of easily. In those years, women had their hormones on their side. As they age, this same pattern of skipping meals, reducing food intake and fad diets actually make the fat loss problem worse.At an older age, potent fat burning hormones such as the Human Growth Hormone start to decline. Most women would have also lost a lot of muscle mass from all the dieting done in the earlier years. The loss of muscles has also made most women insensitive to the insulin hormone thus slowly but surely making them insulin resistant. Pregnancy also plays a major impact on later life weight gain. Some women never recover from post-pregnancy weight gain. All these factors are compounded as they age.The sad thing is that the more weight they put on, the more they do the things that are causing them to gain weight. Most of these women cannot believe that what they were doing in the earlier years is not working. They cannot understand why skipping meals and the diets are not helping with weight loss anymore. In fact the weight just keeps creeping up.You have to be prepared for the battles of later ageMost women are not prepared for the weight loss battles of later age. They would have done so much damage in their earlier years that they would have lost considerable amounts of muscles. The belly starts to stick out and the posture starts to slump. The body is paying back for all the rapid diets of the earlier years.There is hopeThere is hope for all the women out there. You really need to do two things which will set you on the track towards effective fat loss and a flat stomach. The first is to eliminate refined carbohydrates from your diet. The next thing is to start weight resistance training to rebuild all the lost muscles. Weight resistance training will also help normalize your hormonal balance. Increasing your muscle mass will make your body more sensitive to insulin. When you take these two steps together, you should start seeing the pounds drop.If you still do not see enough progress, start removing more carbohydrates. The problem is often caused by elevated levels of insulin. You really need to bring your insulin levels down before you can ever see weight loss progress. You could even monitor your insulin levels via 2 monthly blood tests. Tell your doctor that you want to measure insulin and not glucose. he will off course try to talk you out of it, telling you that your glucose levels are normal. Insist in an insulin test and monitor it.Once your insulin levels normalize the pounds will come down. There will be an upward spiral as you start rebuilding the lost muscles. Once you are in reasonable shape, do not fall back into the trap of your old lifestyle. It is this lifestyle that made you gain weight in the first place.Suresh and Dr Jasvin discuss about some of the points that women should take note of when trying to lose belly fat. You can get a toned and flat belly if you know what you are doing and why you are doing it.Podcast: Play in new window

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

How to Lose Belly Fat for Men

One of the greatest concerns a man may have about his physical appearance is his protruding belly. Some men go to great extents to get rid of their bellies. What do you really need to do to lose belly fat for men?What a man must know to burn belly fatBefore going on any diet or even shedding a drop of sweat, a man needs to clearly know what works for weight loss and what does not. He needs to understand how the body manages fat. He needs to understand that when he attempts to lose weight, the loss must come purely from shedding fat. Muscle or water loss must be reduced to an absolute minimum. A man can only trim the belly if he is losing fat. One of the main reasons why men are not able to lose weight is because they simply are not losing fat. They are losing lots of muscle and water and wondering why the waistline is not changing. It all boils down to a lack of fundamental weight loss knowledge.Alcohol and why you should keep away from itAlcohol consumption is one of the main reasons why so many men carry excess fat in their bellies. When you drink alcohol, it completely halts fat metabolism in the body. Alcohol is a toxin that the body needs to get rid of immediately. When you consume alcohol, it breaks down a large part of it to a by-product called acetate. The only way to remove acetate from the body is by burning it. Acetate is very calorie dense as each gram has up to 8 calories. All fat and carbohydrate calories from your meals are stored in the fat cells while the body tries to desperately get rid of acetate by burning it. Most men can usually see a tremendous difference simply by abstaining from alcohol.Consuming breakfastVery few people realize the importance of breakfast. Latest research shows that people who skip breakfast have a higher tendency to store abdominal fat. Skipping breakfast makes you gain weight. Breakfast is when you literally break the fast after you wake up from sleep. This is another simple way to lose some abdominal fat.Avoid refined carbohydratesOne of the main reasons the men carry excess tummy fat is because they are insulin resistant. In essence, someone who is insulin resistant requires more insulin than someone who is not insulin resistant for the same task of sending glucose in the blood into cells. Someone who is insulin resistant will have higher levels of insulin in the blood stream. Insulin is a very potent hormone for fat storage. In the presence of excess insulin, there is a tendency to store fat and not burn it. Men start developing insulin resistance when they consume too much refined carbohydrates. A lot of men can lose lots of tummy fat simply by eliminating refined carbohydrates, white flour products and sugars from their diet.Eating lots of food in its natural form also helps tremendously with reducing tummy fat. Men do not need to remove all forms of carbohydrates from their diet. They can and should eat complex carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables. If they are severely insulin resistant, they can temporarily remove root based vegetables from their diet until the insulin levels lower down.Regular exerciseExercise is one part that most men will avoid. Most men can see tremendous amounts of fat loss if they start weight resistance exercises. Weight resistance exercises are the best exercises to lose belly fat.Suresh and Dr Jasvin address this interesting topic in the video above. You can get more useful insights that will help you move closer to your goal of losing belly fat.Podcast: Play in new window

How to Lose Belly Fat Naturally and Fast for Women

Almost every woman wants a trim and flat stomach. They will also say that they want to achieve natural belly fat loss. The irony is that very few women even know what natural belly fat loss is. Natural belly fat loss happens when you lose only fat. There should be minimum muscle or water loss from your weight loss efforts.In order to achieve quick results, women need to do 2 things that are essential. The first thing to do is to normalize hormonal levels. The second thing to do is to boost metabolism. By doing these two things, most women can shed considerable amounts of fat at the belly and other parts of the body.Normalizing hormonal levelsOne of the main reasons that there is an accumulation of fat in the belly area is because the hormonal system is out of whack. While the hormonal system is a complex mechanism, 2 hormones stand out that play an essential role in losing excess body fat. These are insulin and thyroid.Most women will be surprised to find that they may have low thyroid levels. This is a condition that is called hypo-thyroid. Before any woman begins any effort to lose weight, she should get her thyroid levels checked. Irregular thyroid levels need to be treated by a medical practitioner. It is essential to get this sorted out as no amount of dieting or exercise will help if the thyroid levels are not within regular levels.Insulin is also a very potent influence in a woman’s efforts to lose fat in the belly or other parts of the body. Insulin levels get out of whack through the over-consumption of refined carbohydrates. Most people do not realize it but we are consuming just too much refined carbohydrates and simple sugars. Refined carbohydrates are digested very rapidly and as such release a rush of glucose into the blood stream. The body over-compensates by releasing a high level of insulin. This is what is called an insulin spike. The insulin hormone lingers on in the body long after it has done its job of sending excess glucose into the cells. Insulin is a potent fat storage hormone. You can have amazingly fast fat loss results by completely eliminating refined carbohydrates from your diet.Boosting your metabolismThe smartest thing that you can do is to boost your metabolism. When your metabolism is elevated, you burn more calories around the clock. One of the easiest ways to do this is by doing weight resistance exercises. These are the best exercises to lose belly fat. Weight resistance exercises are extremely energy intensive during and after the exercise. After each exercise session, there are microscopic tears in the muscles. The body repairs these tears by tearing down these damaged muscle and rebuilding stronger muscle fibres. This process is extremely energy intensive. Some research has shown that weight resistance training can keep your metabolism raised for 24 to 48 hours.Having 5 small meals spread throughout the day also helps to keep the metabolism revving. At the very least, it prevents your metabolism from dropping. When the body is continuously getting small portions of food, it does not get paranoid and activate its starvation response. When the starvation response is activated, the body fears that there is a food shortage. It is more inclined to store calories as fat and not burn it.Simple steps that can take you a long wayThese simple steps can actually take you a very long way. If you normalize your hormonal system and boost your metabolism, you can get lots of natural fat loss in the belly area. It also becomes easier as you are working with your body and not against it. This is the easiest way to lose belly fat naturally.#dd_ajax_float 

Why is it So Hard to Lose Belly Fat

Losing belly fat is one of the hardest things that a dieter can do. ? It is difficult because dieters approach it similarly as they would approach weight loss. This is an extremely flawed approach. You can lose weight but you may not be losing belly fat. If you are losing belly fat, you are definitely losing weight.Weight loss does not result in belly fat lossWhat most dieters fail to realize is that unless all of their weight loss is coming from fat loss, they are not going to lose belly fat. The problem with conventional weight loss is that most of the loss does not come from losing fat. A large part of it comes from losing muscle and water. Muscle and water loss is in no way helpful to lose belly fat.Shaping the tummy requires a holistic approachIn order to trim tummy fat, you need a holistic approach. This includes eating a healthy diet and embracing exercise. You can lose weight without exercise but you are not going to be able to shed even a pound of belly fat without it. It does not matter what diet you go on. You can go on a prolonged low carb diet and lose weight all over your body but you will yet find yourself having a slight pooch belly.On the other hand, someone who is diligent with exercise but not with his diet will also likely have a pooch belly.  A holistic approach is so important. The sooner a dieter accepts this revelation, the faster he will be able to achieve his goal of a flat stomach.Dieters should be measuring fat lossDieters should be measuring the amount of fat they are losing from week to week. This is the only real measure of progress and whether they are moving closer to their goal of a flatter stomach. Measurements on the weighing scales will not be able to determine correctly if you are moving closer to a flat stomach. This is simply because you do not know how much fat you are losing and only fat loss moves you closer to a flat and toned stomach.Dieters need to measure fat loss with calipers and diligently measure weekly progress. If you are dropping fat pounds, you are moving closer to your flat stomach goals. Otherwise, you are just deluding yourself.#dd_ajax_float

Monday, 18 April 2011

Are You Running But Not Losing Belly Fat

A lot of people are running but not losing belly fat. They may even be losing weight but the pooch belly remains. Very few people are aware that running is not the best exercise to lose belly fat. The main reason is because running is often done at a constant intensity. Read on and you will understand better.Running and weight lossWhen ever people first start exercising, they will lose fat. This is because there is a major disturbance in the body. This type of fat loss will occur when ever someone who has not exercised starts to exercise.The body will eventually learn to adapt to this disturbance and your body will become efficient. Unless you continuously increase running intensity, you will not see very much more fat loss. There will come to a point where your body will get into a balance and thus reach a weight loss plateau.How to lose belly fat by runningThe only way to make running effective to lose fat is by increasing running intensity. But there is a physical limit to how far or how fast you can run. This is where you need to look at high intensity interval training. This is where you do short sprints interspersed with periods of walking. The 1 to 2 minute sprint is the work cycle while the 1 to 2 minute walk in the rest cycle. The sprint allows you to exert and the rest cycle lets you rest to prepare for the next sprint. This is a very clever way to force a very high level of exertion on your body.High intensity interval training is very effective for trimming belly fatHigh intensity interval training is extremely effective for shedding belly fat. It is a very short and intense exercise. Assuming a 1 minute work cycle and a 2 minute rest cycle, each session will be of a total of 24 minutes when you do about 8 cycles.The only downside of interval training is that it is very intense and may not be recommended for beginners. Once you have exercised for about 6 months, you can start doing intervals. You should only attempt intervals once you have built enough fitness.#dd_ajax_float

Are You Exercising But Not Losing Belly Fat

Posted on March 29th, 2011 by admin 0Digg DiggMost people have a very shallow understanding of what really works for toning the belly. You may be one of the many who are exercising but not losing belly fat. There could be a number of reasons that are causing this.Not all exercises are equalDifferent types of exercises have different effects and different results. The default exercise that most people choose is walking, running or swimming. These are what are called cardiovascular exercises. These are perfect exercises to enhance health but not really that efficient for trimming excess fat.Weight resistance training for the best results

Best Way to Lose Belly Fat

Almost anyone who is trying to lose weight is probably also placing a lot of focus on attaining a flat stomach. A flat stomach can be a great source of confidence for those who are able to achieve it. Those who are not able to make it, yearn for it.What is the The is to do it naturally without the aid of gimmicks or fad diets.  You may be able to lose a lot of weight with these gimmicks but it is seldom fat loss. Weight loss can be a combination of muscle, water and fat loss.  When ever fad diets or gimmicks are used, there is a tendency to lose more muscle and water than fat.Fad diets and gimmicks will never help you to lose belly fat. This is because the belly fat is the body’s emergency fat store and its going to take a lot more than brute force dieting to get the body to release this for burning. The only way to trick your body into releasing fat from this emergency stores is via a holistic approach to fat loss.A holistic approach to losing belly fat requires the incorporation of the 7 keys of correct weight loss as explained below.NutritionHealthy nutrition is essential if you want to shed fat. You essentially got to get rid of junk food and add high quality whole foods into your diet. Take note of meal quantity, quality and timing. Read more about healthy diet to burn belly fat.ExercisesRegular exercise is extremely important to lose belly fat. Without a proper exercise regimen, you will find it difficult to lose belly fat. Read more about the best exercises to lose belly fat.SupplementationIt is important that you take a quality multivitamin-multimineral. This acts as nutritional insurance against any deficiency that may exist. Certain nutritional deficiencies can cause a disturbances in your fat metabolism. In addition to this, you should also consider consuming a quality omega-3 fish oil capsule. This again has been shown to aid in fat loss.RestorationAn often forgotten part of losing weight is restoration. Restoration in this case refers to adequate sleep and stress management. High levels of stress and lack of sleep can severely sabotage your weight loss efforts.EducationIt is extremely important that you have basic knowledge about how your body handles fat. With this understanding, you will be able to pick out the genuine methods to lose fat and the gimmicks. Most people fall for ridiculous gimmicks because they lack fundamental knowledge about weight loss. Most people think that fat can be made to disappear into thin air.FeedbackThis relates to all the measurements that you need to take to make sure that you are on the right track. The most important measurement to take is the body fat level with a pair of calipers. This will ultimately tell you if you are making real progress in your efforts to lose belly fat. Most women will have reasonably flat stomachs at about 20% body fat and 6-pack abs at 15%body fat. Men will have reasonably flat stomachs at about 15% body fat and 6-pack abs at about 10% body fat. As long as your body fat is reducing, you know that you are on the right track.Social SupportThe last essential part of a holistic approach to losing belly fat is the right social support. You have to be in the company of people who have similar goals or practice a healthy lifestyle. These people will uplift you and keep you focused on your goals. This is unlike others who will chide you and do their best to derail your efforts so that they do not feel guilty of not doing something for themselves.Suresh and Paramjit discuss in greater detail, what you can do to lose belly fat in the video above. They also go into some things that you should avoid. It is hoped that the resources on this page will help in providing you the .Podcast: Play in new window

How to Lose Belly Fat Naturally

The one thing that most people are after is a toned and flat stomach.It is also for this reason that there are many diet pills, fad diets and other quick fix methods that claim to be able to help lose belly fat.Sadly, what most people take for granted is that any type of weight loss will help yield a flat stomach. Nothing could be further from the truth. You can only get a flat stomach by incorporating principles that promote healthy and natural belly fat loss.Losing belly fat is going to take timeFirst and foremost, you need to eliminate ideas of quick results. Losing belly fat naturally is going to take time and effort. This is not something that can be rushed. Most experts will agree that you are making good progress if you are losing up to 2 pounds of pure fat in a order to lose belly fat, you must make sure that all of your weight loss results from fat loss. There should be minimum muscle and water loss. Muscle and water loss does not move you closer to losing belly fat. In fact, it will set-you up for rebound weight gain.Natural belly fat loss can only be obtained by incorporating healthy habits into your life. This requires that you adopt a healthy eating habit, regular exercise and getting adequate rest. Without this, you are not going to be able to get natural belly fat loss.In this video, Paramjit and Suresh discuss about the requirements to lose belly fat naturally.Podcast: Play in new window